EQU8 Anti-Cheat is proud to announce a partnership with PatchKit

EQU8 Anti-Cheat
2 min readMar 16, 2021

Cheaters and hackers have been an everlasting drawback in the pursuit of fair and fun multiplayer gameplay that all players can enjoy. To better protect your game from these bad gamers, EQU8 is now in partnership with PatchKit, who provides a distribution and monetization platform for game studios.

EQU8’s client-centric anti-cheat system improves when combined with PachtKit’s distribution and launcher service. EQU8 can stronger protect players by using the rich user behavior analytics and launcher data of PatchKit’s platform.

Recognizing suspicious players by matching up negative behavior with EQU8’s indicators of bad intention. Proactively remove troublemakers by automating account bans and empowering community managers and customer support with the tools to manage the community. Together with PatchKit it will be easier to implement EQU8 Anti-Cheat into your game.

Any direct questions can be sent to sander@equ8.com

About EQU8
EQU8 is part of Int3 Software, a company based in Gothenburg, Sweden. Our primary goal is to protect video games against disruptive behavior cheaters and hackers that disrupt multiplayer gameplay. The team consists of a group of cybersecurity engineers, gamers, and ex-game hackers who are determined to improve the way we handle cheating and disruptive behavior in gaming.

About PatchKit
PatchKit.net is a game patching & distribution service that provides developers an easy way to distribute game updates to their players.

